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[HoE] Re: Toxic Tunes
At 04:18 PM 11/12/99 -0500, B.D. Flory wrote:
>> Sounds altogether cool. Do any MP3 or Real Audio samples I can >>check
out exist?
>(ahem) Since I can't remember if this has been discussed on the HoE >list, I
>feel obligated to point at that such activity is a breach of PEG's
>copyright, and criminal in nature.
Not necessarily -- we might be talking about a 30-secs sample (perhaps even
provided by PEG) that in no way substitutes the CD, but provides a taster
for how the music sounds
For a real treat, try playing a 30 secs sample over and over again. See
how long you can last. I admit to going crazy after about 5 minutes -- 10
if I am really in love with the piece.
Kociak a.k.a. Kitten => kociak@usa.net
"Luminous beings are we - not this crude matter"