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Re: Toxic Tunes (was Re: [HoE] Product Announcements)
Very well, then. I should clarify my previous question.. Has Pinnacle made
available any samples of the music on this CD? After checking with several
local game shops, I've seen that none of them have it, and would like to hear a
little bit before deciding if I want to go through all the trouble of special
ordering it.
"B.D. Flory" wrote:
> > Sounds altogether cool. Do any MP3 or Real Audio samples I can check out
> > exist?
> (ahem) Since I can't remember if this has been discussed on the HoE list, I
> feel obligated to point at that such activity is a breach of PEG's
> copyright, and criminal in nature.
> Pinnacle, as a company in the game industry, makes little enough money
> without their material being pirated.
> That is all.
> B. D. Flory
> ICQ# 53912341
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sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread." -Anatole