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Re: [HoE] Math! (was Re:[HoE] A Complete Review of HoE)

Bring a TI-83 calculator and play Tetris while the
rest do the complicated math. Half the kids in my
Pre-Calc class do that (stupid honors kids).

--- Sean Michael Whipkey <highway@cstone.net> wrote:
> abdtoghill wrote:
> > then you can just be thankful you aiont playing
> rolemaster at 2:30 am
> > and just as the final combat is about to start 
> your plastic brain
> > (calculator) decides to have a nervous breakdown
> (batteries flat).
> > 
> > Oh my head hurts, now was that an automatic d
> critical with a +32%
> > modifer??
> You play RoleMaster with a calculator?  Wuss! :):):)
> Sometimes I wish I'd brought one when we play it,
> but we usually have a
> plethora of cell-phones, PalmPilots, laptop
> computers, etc., at the
> games, one of which may be able to act as a
> glorified abacus...:)
> SeanMike
> --
> Sean Michael Whipkey - highway@cstone.net -
> www.cstone.net
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