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Re: [HoE] Math! (was Re:[HoE] A Complete Review of HoE)

--- Doug Stalker <dougs@technologist.com> wrote:

> Every so othen I'll forget something very basic in
> maths... the other day I was
> trying to remember the quadratic equation and
> couldn't, but I could remember enough
> to work it out.  And I though back to high school,
> and learning it fo rthe first
> time.  Looking at how it was worked out and thinking
> "There's no way I'll ever
> remember that!"

I had a different way of remembering it, which my 9th
grade Geometry teacher taught me (yeah, it's a bizarre
way of the quadratic... but still):

don't be good or bad: root for it; be square and loose
the air conditioning? it's all over at 2 am.

Now, here's the equation:

-b +/- \/------------
       V b^2 - 4ac

Or, in case it comes through wrong: 
Negative B, plus or minus the square root of (b
squared minus four times a times c), all divided by
two a.

Michael Shindler, ICQ #13820058
"Your chair's broken" - "Jack"
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