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[HoE] A Request from my Posse

Hi, all:

Back when I first started discussing how my players had taken our campaign
way off the beaten' path many of you either e-mailed me privately or made
mention on the list that you could send me stats for characters from your
campaigns of good-minded types who would easily and gladly stomp my posse
into the ground.  I didn't accept such offers, on the grounds that if my
players evil-like characters were killed they would simply make another
bunch of blood-simple maniacs.

Well, last night I made mention to two of my players about those offers,
and they asked me to ask everybody who made such offers to please send me
the stats for their heroic characters.  My players wish to pit their
characters against the characters of anyone who thinks their posse more
heroic than my posse.  Please bear in mind that I believe that a group of
rabid zombie chickens is more heroic than my HOE posse, but I was asked to
forward the request and I have done so.  Thank you.
