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Re: [HoE] Math! (was Re:[HoE] A Complete Review of HoE)

I, on the other hand, am able to afford (am able to
actually *have the money* to get) my books by tutoring
in first and second level Algebra. 

Of course, pre-calc honors in junior year of high
school is ick, and I might not take AdvancedPlacement
Calc next year for fear that it might be more advanced
than the icky precalc.

--- PJB333@aol.com wrote:
> This is my stance on the math issue.
> I HATE MATH. I can do basic math, adding and
> subtracting and multiplying. 
> It's just algebra and stuff. I hate it. To quote a
> staff member at my school 
> ( a doctor in biochemistry), and I quote- "Algebra
> sucks and it's boring." 
> I'm sorry if that broke lingo rules, but I was
> quoting. Sorry. That's enough 
> Peter Venting.
> Peter Berard
> The Jolly Gringo

Michael Shindler, ICQ #13820058
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