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Re: [HoE] Math!

At 06:04 PM 11/2/99 -0500, Matthew Steflik wrote:
>The Junker math "given what we're used to...is very
>advanced"?  Please.  Fractions and decimals are not that >complicated. No
more so than basic probability and percentiles, and >they're all over the
Please allow me to disagree -- not in that adding fractions is advanced
math or beyond my math capabilities, but in the definition of the problem
-- the trouble with number-crunching is not its difficulty, but its
tediousness -- and because whipping out the calculators is such an
anti-climax if it happens anywhere during the session; arguably, item
creation can be kept outside "normal" gaming, though.
Kociak a.k.a. Kitten => kociak@usa.net
"Luminous beings are we - not this crude matter"