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Re: [HoE] My players derailing the campaign yet again

>The main problem with this is his posse previously allowed Simon to be 
>killed in
>"The Destroyer"

   And you let your Templar "live"?   *backs off*  You're on yer own, amigo! 
   Seriously, you can have whoever took Simon's place call aforementioned 
oath of blood on the Templar- something that should've been done a looong 
time ago, I gather.

-Damon Harper
   "Man, why can't they bring back or remake good shows
    like BJ and the Bear?  Now there's a concept I can't
    get enough of: a man and his monkey."
                             -Brodie Bruce, 'Mallrats'
<nomad74@hotmail.com> <ICQ 4297972>

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