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[HoE] Re: Hell on Bikes?

In a message dated 10/01/1999 11:51:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
hoe-owner@gamerz.net writes:

<< Thanks heaps, guys!  I think I like a bit of what you both are saying
 here.  Okay, to start use the 1 point of belongin's to purchase the
 bike.  For driving rolls, use Drivin': BMX skill, and have the bike
 triple her pace, applying appropriate mods to driving actions (depending
 upon conditions) and other actions while driving as needed.  To actually
 fight using the bike as a weapon, offer using the Drivin' skill (with
 some severe modifiers) or a Fightin:BMX skill (straight up...ooh...my
 Mongoose style is better than your Huffy!).  Treat the bike itself as a
 large, unbalanced club with speed 2, defensive bonus -1 and treat the
 damage as Str+1d6 (or Str+1d8 if moving at a pace greater than 16).
 While riding the bike and using it as a weapon, on a successful hit,
 make a driving roll (with modifiers applied to represent speed and
 impact, etc) to avoid wiping out (and perhaps taking some damage).  What
 do you think? >>

Well, I think you've got the damage a little too high but other than that it 
sounds good.
