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Re: [HoE] Templar Observation

> > Rather
> > than wait another round or chip in to help himself or draw a bit more 
> > his plan was to step aside and invite it to go off after his comrades.
> >
>He *wanted* it to go after his friends?! What the Hell is this guy
>thinking? Does he know what "teamwork" means?

His friends were running off with what they needed to kill the Servitor.

> > Now, this was basically a kinda dumb plan, but it wasn't totally 100% 
> > she was innocent
>Ummmmm...little kid? Not innocent? Did she murder someone or something?

She originally attacked the party.  And the Servitor had enough influence 
that it could drive her to attack the party by enhancing her own fear.  She 
even managed to do a wound to someone.

> > and this person plays a rather...stern Templar, shall we say,
> > who takes a rather narrow view of innocence
>Did the child prove that she didn't deserve to live? That's why Templars
>walk around in disguise. So that people won't be on their best behavior
>and they can see if people will cheat them out of the food they earned
>for work, shoot them on sight because they look like a mutie, et cetera.
>I'm willing to bet that the kid didn't. Throwing rocks at someone isn't
>a reason for them to die.

As often seems to be the case, the Templar didn't have enough time to sneak 
up on the girl in disguise and sound out her opinions on such matters.  She 
did a little more damage than just throwing rocks.  :)

> > and Boise is a long way
> > away even if this were totally out of line for Templar behavior.
> >
>But Simon *will* find out he *abandoned* his posse. And was willing
>(probably even in Simons' eyes) to let an innocent kid die. The *kid*
>wasn't responsible for what the Servitor was making her do while she was
>possessed. It may take a while for word to filter back to Boise, but it
>will happen. Also, it isn't just Simon that decides that a Templar has
>broken his Oath. Other Templars will seek him out and ask why he did
>what he did. If they feel it's severe enough, they'll take him back to
>Boise. If he resists or attacks the questioning Templar, he'll most
>likely be blacklisted. If it's obvious that he broke the Templars' Oath,
>the questioning Templar is *obligated* to kill him. This is the Oath of

Well, first of all, it wasn't clear the kid was possessed/influenced.  She 
didn't have glowing red eyes or anything.

But the only "testimony" to the Templar's actions are his fellow comrades (I 
use the term loosely here :) ).  There were no other witnesses, and they're 
already somewhat less than "Templarly" in their  attitude towards protecting 
the non-innocent/worthy.  Heck, if they're not actually going to kick him 
out of the group (which is kinda dumb, IMO, but that's their approach so 
there you are), they have even less interest in travelling back to Boise 
(the group is currently located in Missouri) to testify against him.

I mean, this is the _wasted_ west, right?  It's not like they can videotape 
their testimony and send it to Simon, or call him up on the vidphone.

And the Templar _does_ feel his actions were warranted, that sacrificing the 
one not-so-innocent kid was worth killing a Servitor and saving the local 
community.  So Simon using various truth-probing type abilities ain't going 
to turn up much there, either.

> > But anyhoo, it sounds like SeanMike's is one confirming voice for "screw 
> > over."  I'm just kinda curious to know if other folks think the approach 
> > suggested is too outrageous. I'm sure the player will think so...  :)
> >
>Screw him over six ways from Sunday. From what I've read, it sounds like
>he deserves it. Have him read "Last Crusaders" again and see if he can
>try to figure out what it means to be a Templar. If he feels screwed,
>well, that happens. Tough monkey snot.
>And, Steve, you truly are the "Worm Can Opener Extrordinare" ;]

Well, this was an issue I raised a little while back, but...I don't think 
the player's actions were outside of the rather broad mandates of the 
Templar SB.  Part of it is the mixed messages parts that the SB send.  To 
the Templar, the option was killing one not-so-innocent girl rather than 
risk himself or his comrades (although his comrades _were_ willing to take 
the risk), to kill off a Servitor that could kill thousands.  This seems 
valid with, say, St. Stern's philosophy.  It ain't going to win him the 
favor of the Saint in general (i.e., my mention of forcing him to redeem 
himself to get the Greater Reward), but as other folks noted a while back, 
if a Saint is generally in favor of a Templar's actions, it seems unlikely 
Simon is going to severely chastise him.

Like I noted, I'm tending towards the A) Greater Reward redemption/achieval 
and B) Night Terrors combined approach.  But I guess I'm not seeing how 
Simon & Co. is going to take much in the way of harsh actions here.

>"Justice, not Mercy!"


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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