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Re: [HoE] Another Cyborg ?

At 06:08 AM 9/21/99 PDT, you wrote:
>>In a message dated 9/17/99 8:19:18 AM Central Daylight Time,
>>crow_steve@hotmail.com writes:

>I was referring to the chart because that was where the whole "cannot 
>replace with bionics" issue came up, that's where we noticed the concept is 
>established (it may be under One-Armed Bandit in Hindrances in the basic 
>rules as well, but we weren't looking at that section), and I wondered what 
>the rationale behind it was, and asked how folks might exploit it once the 
>game has begun.

Depending on how the wound is placed on the body, I know that there are
some injuries that can't be repaired using modern prosthetics. Perhaps
something similar happened here: The nerves in the surrounding area
suffered damage. <fried by radiation when that doomy nuked it off?> Or
perhaps he had a stroke that partially paralyzed his motor control; he's
mostly recovered, but that arm's still messed up. In either of these cases,
he couldn't control the bionics even if he had it in.
