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[HoE] One-Armed Bandits - A conspiracy
Yes, it sucks when your fav character draws a Veteran
one-armed flaw during character creation, and the GM won't
ever let you replace that arm, even if you march half-way
across the planet to discover the ancient and mysterious
Artifact of Limb Restoration.
But for all you GM's out there, let me remind you of
something. You are under no OBLIGATION (yes, that is a
word with alot of stress on it, hence the caps) to enforce
someone's hindrance. The book even says that the PC's are
supposed to take hindrances as a path to getting more chips
while in game. Hell, they can take 10 points for free
effectively. The hindrances are there to benefit the
players, as strange as that sounds.
Hence, with Veteran, I see no reason why the player
wouldn't be able to get rid of their flaw eventually. It
just takes a creative enough GM to give them a reason and
way to do so.
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