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Re: [HoE] Another Cyborg ?
>In a message dated 9/17/99 8:19:18 AM Central Daylight Time,
>crow_steve@hotmail.com writes:
><< We were creating a Cyborg/Harrowed character, a Veteran of the _Weird_
> and noted that the eye and limb loss results on that tables (from The
> West) specify that bionics can _not_ be used to replace the lost organ.
> >>
>As you can see, you specifically stated that you were creating a PC via
Yes...? I also specifically stated I wasn't considering letting him buy off
the disadvantage, which you neglected to quote.
I was referring to the chart because that was where the whole "cannot
replace with bionics" issue came up, that's where we noticed the concept is
established (it may be under One-Armed Bandit in Hindrances in the basic
rules as well, but we weren't looking at that section), and I wondered what
the rationale behind it was, and asked how folks might exploit it once the
game has begun.
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Steve Crow
"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"
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