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Re: [HoE] More Civilazied!!

RagnaRok wrote:

> But my main issue is, i have thought of haveing money in my campaign (real
> cash, dollars) i know that there are no government to have controll on that
> but say if Junkyard uses it and had a stamp on each dollar bill, so that
> only those with stamps can be used, then other settlement would follow
> them.
> Im open for suggestions here

Sounds to me like you have a good start. Maybe the Combine has issued its own
currency as well?

The main thing, is that you have to have some kind of agency that is backing
the currency. This agency also has to have the confidence of the people that
use the currency.

For instance, supposedly at one time if you felt the American dollar wasn't
worth it you could go to the Government and they would pay you a certain amount
of gold, lets say 1 oz per so much money. I could see Junkyard doing something
like that with their spook juice.

1 Junkyard dollar equals 1/10 of a gallon of spook juice (or something like

The problem in HOE is that there isn't  any agency capable of doing this. As
HOE is written even Junkyard's resources are not that great. And even if they
could, would you in Wyoming take Junkyard dollar?

Of course, you do what you want.