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Re: [HoE] Marshall needs help

"Bobby Farris Jr." wrote:
> A)  Let them get to Boise. If so, how do I run this adventure without
> contradicting or ruining the Boise set to come out.

The Templar book gives a pretty decent picture of what Boise looks like,
I think. In fact, the adventure in the back of the book might be perfect
for moving the posse away from Boise, you'd just have to move the main
bad guy to the south of Boise rather than east or whatever. They show
up, Simon sends them immediately away before they can get a good look at

If you don't want to do that (the adventure has one or two major logic
problems), I'm sure Simon can find another project to take care of that
would get them away from Boise.
> B) Use weather and whatever to "force" them to go south. My problem is I
> am not sure how to do this without it looking like I am forcing them (I
> don't mind forcing them, I just don't want it to look like I am). One
> character is Heroic and I could keep throwing things at him....but this
> seems contrived.

I'd avoid the weather, that'd be a little too obvious. What I'd do was
steal a major weapon/artifact from somebody, and the thief takes off to
the south. A little less forceful would be that just before they get to
Boise, they get some sort of distress message from another
Templar/friend, maybe the mentor of one of the PCs, who needs help down
south and he needs it fast. Then you're giving the PCs a choice of where
to go, or at least the illusion of one.