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Re: [DL] Sidekicks

I've never had a real sidekick in my posse but I did assign them a ghost 
once. His name was Earl and he had a penchant for making crude comments when 
a posse member missed a shot or did something stupid, drinking all the 
whiskey that the posse carried, and generally making their lives miserable

>From: David R Goecke <mightygecko@juno.com>
>Reply-To: deadlands@gamerz.net
>To: deadlands@gamerz.net
>Subject: Re: [DL] Sidekicks
>Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2003 11:16:16 -0600
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>We had a dog trainer witha rather large wolf ohund named Abidon. Abidon
>became most of the charcaters agressive actions (attacking, overawe, etc)
>while she did the more thinking things (search, persuasion, etc)
>in HoE we had this really showy Cowboy Martial artist (cross Will Smith
>in  Wild Wild West with Jackie Chan, and throw him in HoE and you've got
>"Rocco") his side kick was Wayne a Tale-Teller. wayne covered Rocco with
>small arm while in a fight, knew a bit about survival, and of course,
>spread tales of rocco's daring deeds. However, most of the time we just
>forgot Wayne was there and he wasn't use up to his fullest.
>In HoE we also had two witches with Familiars. We used the animal side
>kick rules to make them. We usually forget about them until the witches
>use a spell or its handy to have  asmall fox sneak in some where or have
>a Raven's eye eye of an area.
>It says that these side kicks should be marshal run characters, but the I
>have so much to handle already, that I allow them to run their own
>Sidekicks, as long as the Hero is the main focus. i'll also jump in and
>take them over now and then to help give the posse hints, or to keep the
>player from using the sidekick as cannon fodder.
>Basically, unless the side kick and the hero have a relation ship that is
>part of their characters, they are likely to be forgotten about. It's
>amazing how many explosions Wayne survived, just because we forgot he
>existed and didn't roll any damage for him.
>On Tue, 1 Apr 2003 18:23:37 +0200 "Jesper"
><2698454m001@mail1.stofanet.dk> writes:
>HAve any of you Marshalls out there ever had a group where on PC had a
>sidekick and how did it go????

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