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Re: [BNW] JFK and Snuff Fields (was Go-go-gadget..... )

1: not turned off when hes not there, turned off as he leaves/enters
2: the origonal post specified that the nulification fields DO work against
alphas. in fact I seem to remeber an illustration the the main book of
flying + blasting supers, presumably alphas fighting around the big prison

So. Q.1: do or more properly _did_ nulification fields work against alphas?
and if so what would happen if you_know_who *wink* *wink* *nudge* was put in

presonaly I like the, yes they do and ohh no the whole country collapses!
idea best, although why superior would have been considered such a threat if
this technology was at this level poses a problem. lets face it you_know_who
*wink* *wink* *nudge*  is in a position to be able to avoid exposure to such
devices with minimun of fuss and the idea of having a possible
blackmailablity/weakness apeals to me


PS. does anyone actualy belive that people by books and then dont read all
of them? I wouldnt by a book and not intend to run the game.