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Re: [BNW] What is wrong with BNW?

>Steve Crow wrote:
> > Again, I guess I'm not really seeing the specific harms here.  When you 
> > "Your dead character may become an Alpha later in some manner - give me 
> > character sheet and create a new one, and I'll get back to you", _what_ 
> > the player then saying or doing that is giving you and/or your campaign
> > problems?  Do they want to become an Alpha now (even though the rules 
> > the campaign setting are both clear that they can't), and are unhappy 
> > can't happen?
>I personally don't mind this approach at all. I just don't like being
>told it's not possible when I know it is.

I guess I'm not following.  Who told you it isn't possible?  The rules say 
it may be possible down the road, but that Alphas will be substantially 
different from Deltas and those substantial differences will be outlined 
then.  Alternately, if you don't want to wait, the rules provide a way for 
you to run Alphas (albeit simplified ones) now.  So even if you decide to 
vary from the basic outline, the rules help you to do so.  That's more than 
many games do!

If you choose to use PC Alphas now, it doesn't seem very hard to do.  A PC 
dies, you slap on a few more power packages (as per the simplified rules), 
and presto, one Alpha.  I don't see why you have to "explain" why the PC 
became an Alpha instead of a corpse.  That's a mystery that will 
(presumably) be explained down the road.  How would the player-character 
_get_ an explanation?

The out-of-character explanation for the player, of course, would be, 
"Because you guys wanted to play Alphas, for pete's sake!!"  :)

Granted, how you create Alphas now simply by adding more power packages may 
be at odds with how Matt does it down the road.  But it's your choice to 
taking that approach.  Matt isn't forcing it on you.

> > *shrug* I see what folks think are the problems with the game.  What I
> > haven't seen to date is WHY these so called problems are problems for 
>Well, they aren't.  Especially since my group has convinced me to run
>Star Wars instead; however, it's annoying to see a space on your
>character sheet and then have absolutely nothing in the book suggesting
>what should go in it. I sort of hoped that the players guide might have
>clarified things but i guess not.

*nods* Origin-wise, I would tend to agree with you, as I previously posted.  
On the other hand, BNW is wide-open enough, and there are enough origins 
provided, that it doesn't seem to be that major an omission, or that any 
given origin you choose is going to be at odds with what is later released.

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Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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