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Re: [BNW] Go-go-gadget.....

> >>Q1: what is the avliblity of power nulifing devices to DP teams
> >According to Ravaged Planet, IIRC, the devices are large, bulky and suck 
> >a LOT of power. They are in use at the Fortress, the Delta Prison in the
> >lake where Chi-town was. They are stong enough to dampen the powers of an
> >Alpha. They are also set up in a perimiter around the Whitehouse, keeping
> >King Jack nice and safe. And in Defiants there are Deltas introduced that
> >can temporarlly remove your powers, for a short time, called Snuffers.
>anyone spot a problem with this set up? lets look again

Actually, the item above seems to be a paraphrase, not an exact quote.  
Although I couldn't find the exact quote in RP.  I don't have all day to 
spend looking it up.  But...

>"They are also set up in a perimiter around the Whitehouse, keeping  King
>Jack nice and safe."
>hmmm, thats bound to raise a few questions
>'sir why dont we set up fields IN the whitehouse?'

"Because a circular line is more cost-efficient than a dome, and no Delta 
can get through the perimeter nullification line in the first place.  Next."

>'you ask too many questions agent smith'
>'sir why do you switch off the fields when you leave the white house?'

The paraphrase above doesn't say they are switched off when Kennedy leaves 
the White House.  However, assuming it is the case... "Because there is then 
nobody in the White House who deserves that level of energy output required 
to be protected against rogue Deltas other than me, King Jack."

(The shutdown thing seems unlikely, since most rebels would probably 
consider destroying the WH a major coup, however, whether JFK was there or 
not.  Does it really say they shut it down when JFK ain't there?)

>'agent smith you have done a good job up to this point, but you are now
>releaved of your duty, please hand me your sidearm.'
>otherwise, usefull info thanks


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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