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[BNW] Delta origins

> >is one more thing that makes BNW different). Which
> brings up a question
> >(this may be in the RP book I don't recall) but
> what if a Delta joins the
> >Covenant, do his powers change? does he gain more
> powers? does he loose his
> >original powers?
> >
> I believe it is mentioned.  There are Covenant
> members who have just a 
> "normal" power package, yes.  It's only Ordained
> folks who _turn_ Delta 
> after they're ordained that gain the Covenant
> package.

Actually, this is a valid arguement.  It is hinted
at/suggested/assumed (but not actually STATED, I would
really like a reference here) that delta powers come
from near death experiences.  Is this always the case?
 Do bargainers have a near death experience, and then
get a deal with the devil, or is it a learned thing? 
Same with covenant, or vampires?  If the source of
delta-ness is all the same, I have no problem with the
rule of each character only having one delta power. 
If bargainers is a learned trait, covenant bestowed,
vampires .. um .. well bitten, then it would be
possible to have a Blessed, bargainer, vampiric
speedster DELTA.  Maybe once you get a delta power,
you can't get another (also acceptable).

The toughest question I can think of is a telling a
new player to make a character and him asking, "Ok, so
how'd I become a Delta?"  The only present answer is,
"Um ... near death experience?"

Now the biggest problem with NDE being the source is
that if it was so, it would be the common knowledge
amongst people.  Trust me, you get 4 or 5 deltas
relating their origins and they'll see the connection.
 When you have an organized group (DP, and Def) people
are going to discover it and talk.  Now if it is
common knowledge to the characters, why is it secret
to the players and ref?  

-Munch Wolf

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