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Re: [BNW] New game for me

----- Original Message ----- >
> Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 10:27:26 -0400
> From: barak@staff.angelfire.com
> Subject: Re: [BNW] New game for me

> green mile was fine, but it kept to the promised publishing dates.

In all fairness, the game did change company hands in the middle of its
production... it's going to cause delays.

> as it stands now, we're going to have to wait a year or more before the
> mega-plot unfolds.
> i would have less of a problem with this if i thought there might be some
> surprise in store, but as the game is set-up: kennedy and DP bad, defiants
> good. pretty cut and dry.
> i like the oppressive regime, but there isn't really much of a choice as
> which side to align one's self with, say compared to aberrant where every
> group has something appealing...
> maybe matt has some great secret in store for us, but based on what has
> out so far, it would require alot of explanation...

I feel I should point out that the Delta Prime sourcebook is the next one to
come out. In it, you will find new power packages and rules for running a
DP-oriented game. Evil Unlimited will be coming out later this year, too.. I
don't think you'll be able to play them (i.e. I don't think it'll have rules
for it), but who says you can't create your own BNW World using Matt's

Hell, drop the whole Kennedy thing. Just have superheroes battle it out if
you want. Make it cinematic. I don't know why exactly you'd want to do this
(you could just play Champions at that point), but it's possible.

The thing I noticed about BNW first is that both sides of the coin were
presented, at least IMO. I can understand why people might side with DP or
the Defiants. Defiants _are_ criminals as the law exists right now. Some of
them even really deserve to be off the streets. DP is the tool of a fascist
leader, but that doesn't mean they don't do good things from time to time.
Play that up. The Defiants may be painted as the "good guys" but that
doesn't mean they are. Some are just as evil as King Jack...

I personally feel that the system is good. The setting needs work, without a
doubt. Some things just weren't thought out, or were changed a few times and
got lost in editing (something all RPGs need to work on). Like in Deadlands
you can make the game anything you want. Pick up a sourcebook occasionally
and steal some ideas from it. Just don't go killing Kennedy, blowing up
Washington, etc... (don't make world altering changes basically) and most
meta-plot stuff can be worked in. It may take a bit of effort on your part,
but you're the GM! That's your job. At least I've found that to be true with
Pinnacle stuff.
(yeah, it's AEG now, but I'll always consider this a Pinnacle game, I

Anyway, I hope this doesn't sound like I'm bitching at you. I'm just
thinking rapidly and writing shit off the top of my head... just
