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RE: [BNW] Brave New World in the bargain bin

>Now why does BNW win out for me, you ask. I'll tell you, Ok you have 15 
>make a PC we are going to start ready or not in 20 min, go. You could do it
>with Marvel, but not the other two (you could write down a PC that you know

A good point, although one that to me is of less concern than something 
else:  it's easier to _explain_ the game mechanics.  If I hand a player a 
pre-generated character, I can explain how it works in about 5 minutes, and 
spend another 5 minutes the first time combat comes up and explain that.  
And they understand the game.

I like DC Universe, but it is _not_ an introductory game.  I can't speak for 
Marvel (the original TSR version had this simplicity - don't know if the new 
one does) or Aberrant.

I expect folks to take some time creating their character, no matter how 
simple the system.  What I want is a system that is easy to explain, even 
for non-introductory sessions, because then as a Guide/GM/Marshal/whatever I 
don't have to keep thumbing through books.  If it's easy to explain, it's 
easy to run.

DC Universe has a "universal" system, sure...but as someone noted many moons 
ago in Space Gamer when reviewing the old Pacesetter line, a "universal" 
system means you have to have a nigh-on infinite number of charts to 
interpret how the system applies to lockpicking, or breaking walls, or 
persuading people, or flying, or building gadgets, or whatever...  Look 
through all the charts near the back of DCU and you'll see what I mean.

BNW is a "universal" system without the baggage, basically.  That is it's 
appeal to me.


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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