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Re: [BNW] Brave New World in the bargain bin

>By comparison, Aberrant and Marvel Superheroes, and even DC Universe 
>far more complete character creation rules for significantly less cash

The point here, which I'm not sure I agree with, is that you seem to 
consider power packages (and the rigidity therein) as "character creation."

As far as I'm concerned, everything I need to create a character, and/or 
come up with power packages of my own, can be found in the basic $30.00 
book.  Okay, _maybe_ Ravaged Planet as well, when it got a little more into 
"superheroic" power packages (Teleportation and Shrinker).

But frankly, Defiants really told me very little about designing power 
packages.  IMO, you don't need it to design your onw power packages.

Plus...designing power packages is very much a matter of personal balance 
anyway for one's individual campaign.  IMO, I wouldn't use the Bomber 
package in any campaign I run.

My advice is if you're buying the Defiance SB for "character creation 
rules"...don't.  ;)

Either, IMO, I disagree with your definition of new power packages as 
"character creation rules," or you're comparing apples to oranges as far as 
DC Universe/Aberrant/whatever to BNW.

>In short, I can handle having the meta-plot spoon fed to me supplement by
>supplement, but I don't like having it done with the rules.

Well, I guess that answers my earlier post about whether you like 
meta-plotting or not.  ;)



Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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