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RE: [BNW] New game for me

>Basically, it's a story, and you don't have all the details yet.  Stephen 
>King or Dean Koontz don't tell you everything that's going on and answer 
>every question in the first five chapters of their books.  Nor does Matt 
>with BNW...


>Steve Crow

>"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

Ok I understand about not giving out the secrets but what about the daily
life stuff. The local law, a simple line map of somewhere (with streets not
just islands with a hut). So do I have to wait for more secrets to start
playing. The point is if I fill in the blanks (their are a lot of little
ones) latter if I try to stick to the story will I have to undo the little
stuff? For example, I a state the DP has a check point at every entrance to
a city and later we find out that only 150 DP's are on duty at a time in the
US then they can be at every entrance. {far fetched exp. but could have an
impact to play} If I remove these guards that have been around for my game
then all of a sudden the PC's have a new freedom not had before with no
logical explanation, if I leave it as is, then what of the official stuff do
I have to alter. The unknown is good for story, it's even good for a game. A
story I don't have to explain to others, a Game that I GM I have to know (or
invent)every thing the players ask about and whatever else I decide to tell
them. It's like in Dark City when everyone knows about the place but no one
knows how to get there.