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Re: [BNW] New game for me

>green mile was fine, but it kept to the promised publishing dates.
>as it stands now, we're going to have to wait a year or more before the
>mega-plot unfolds.

And again, this is pretty standard for RPG "meta-plots."  Heck there's stuff 
in Deadlands/HoE that we still don't know, and that's been going on for 3 

>i would have less of a problem with this if i thought there might be some
>surprise in store, but as the game is set-up: kennedy and DP bad, defiants
>good. pretty cut and dry.

Triumph, somewhere in-between.  There's also nothing to really say that your 
characters have to be "good" types.  What about criminals?  Particularly of 
the Robin hood variety?  You don't have to run _anything_ using the Defiance 
as your PC group of choice.

In my short-lived campaign I ran the Defiance as an _option_ for the PCs to 
join.  And the route I was taking, the Defiance most definitely would not 
have been "good."  Even if my approach was unique, I kinda doubt that 
someone reading, say, the Delta Warriors section of the Defiance SB could 
come away with the simplistic interpretation that the Defiants = good 
anyway.  But I came up with my interpretation before Defiance SB came out, 
so apparently not everyone came away with that impression from the basic 
rules, either.

As far as secrets, it strikes me that there are a few.  Will the Alphas 
return?  Is there more to Kennedy than folks seem to be assuming about "King 
Jack"?  What supernatural forces are trying to manipulate this earth via 
supplying Covenant and Vampire-type "powers" and loaning stuff to 

>i like the oppressive regime, but there isn't really much of a choice as to
>which side to align one's self with, say compared to aberrant where every
>group has something appealing...

Not familiar with the game.  It strikes me that there are at least four 
sides in BNW that a Delta could align themselves with:  Defiance, DP, Mafia, 
and Triumph.  Isla Delta strikes me as a fifth "side," rather than simply an 
offshoot of the Defiance, but to each their own.

Another "side" would be a government op who isn't part of the internally 
oppresssive Delta Prime.  Foreign spy, basically - what Patriot (the 
original...well, at least, the Mk. 2 original) did before he switched.

I'll agree that the books to date press the DP vs. Defiance angle.  But 
that's certainly not the only thing out there for Deltas to do or even get 
involved in.

>maybe matt has some great secret in store for us, but based on what has 
>out so far, it would require alot of explanation...

Any secretive master plot usually does...


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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