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Re: [BNW] New game for me

> > Basically, it's a story, and you don't have all the details yet.  
> > King or Dean Koontz don't tell you everything that's going on and answer
> > every question in the first five chapters of their books.  Nor does Matt
> > with BNW...
>No, but generally I don't have to buy a dozen books to get the whole story
>out of Stephen or Dean.  Furthermore, I purchase novels to enjoy a story as

Really?  Read the serialized form of The Green Mile?  ;)

>an observer.  Gaming is a much more active form of entertainment.  The
>problem with meta-plot stories is that they either force campaigns to
>progress at the rate of publication (with lots of filler in between), or
>create campaigns that diverge further from the meta-plot with each new

Sure, but that's an inherent fault of the current style of published 
"campaign" material for a RPG  It seems to be a popular one (Deadland and 
Storyteller seem to still be going strong).

Obviously if you don't _like_ the basic story of Deadland or Storyteller, 
then you wouldn't like the continuing growth and add-ons to the basic 
concept of those, either.

In this case, you don't like the basic story of BNW.  Fair enough.  But it 
was pretty clear from the outset, IMO, that BNW would be in a similar 
"slowly-developing story" model, rather than "Here's a generic universe - do 
what you want" style of, say, D&D or DC Universe or whatever.

If you _liked_ the story being told in BNW, would you object to the 
meta-plot approach?

*shrug* Sorry, I guess I'm not quite clear if you dislike the meta-plot 
approach in general (do you similarly dislike it in Deadlands and 
Storyteller?), or just that with BNW you bought into a meta-plot that you 
found you don't like?



Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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