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Re: [BNW] Brave New World in the bargain bin

At 11:18 PM 4/19/00 -0400, Daedelus wrote:
>Well lemme be the first to say that this would be a shame. Now while some
>people have problems with the powers system. I think it suits the world
>perfectly. In my opinion it beats the new Marvel system and DC system.

As Theron pointed out, they are also geared for different types of supers
games. Marvel (which I actually think is currently the best rpg for four
color supers) & DCU are for comic book style games; BNW, Aberrant &
UNSanctioned are not. Each of those games feature darker settings, and all
feature (sort of) different power levels. Each system has it's own strengths
and weaknesses (as most, if not all, rpgs do). While they all fit in the
same genre, they are all different enough that comparisons are not that easy
to make.

>Also I think its a shame that BNW stuff is in the bargain bin. Afterall
>Pinnacle is the third largest gaming company as far as retail sales go. (I
>know Alderac is producing the game now instead of Pinnacle, but Matt is
>still one of the best designers in the industry.)

I got my copies of BNW & RP (and the screen) on Ebay for about $30.00
(before s&h). I bought a second copy of BNW & RP for about the same price as
the set (just because I wanted to have two books if I run the game). It
happens. In some areas, the game may not sell as well, and it goes into the
bargain bin. It's got nothing to do with how good or bad the game is, or how
great the game designer is. In some places, the local gaming population
plays certain types of games (or is CCG heavy), and that's that. You should
actually consider it a good thing, because it allows some people who wanted
to get the game (but were put off by the initial layout/price) to buy it,
and possibly use it. In the long run, that's better for the game (imho)

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