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Re: [BNW] population statistics

>C: the definace dosn't attack innocents, so only high profile people worthy
>of assasination are in any real danger.

A bomb has no discrimination powers.  

Just ask the victims of Timothy McVeigh who were at work in the Oklahoma
City Federal Office.

These are the tactics that members of the Defiance use, notably the Delta
Warriors.  But the Delta Warriors are simply espousing the violence that
Malcolm X felt was necessary.

"[I am] no longer hold in check from fighting white supremacists by Elijah
Muhammad's Black Muslim movement, and that if your present racist agitation
against our people there in Alabama causes physical harm to Reverend King
or any other black Americans who are only attempting to enjoy their rights
as free human beings, that you and your Ku Klux Klan friends will be met
with maximum physical retaliation from those of us who are not handcuffed
by the disarming philosophy of non violence, and who believe in asserting
our right of self defence - by any means necessary."

The same mindset that the IRA has.  
and the same mindset that the VietCong had
and Mossad
and the PLO
and the French Resistance.

BNW is a dark world with has a very chilling message.

That people will willingly and sometimes joyously sell away their freedoms
in order to be safe.

And it's not hard to sympathise with them:

The regs look around, and see the shattered buildings that are the remnants
of delta and alpha battles.  The rubble of Manhattan and the ruins of
Imagine a Dahlmer who is a Charmer.
Imagine a serial child rapist with the ability to walk through walls.
Or a crack pusher capable of running at 100mph.
The 16year old crotch grabbing homie yo greasy hairnet wearing gang banger
punk - instead of being armed with a .357 with the serial numbers filed
off, he is now a walking flamethrower.  And your kid goes to the same high
school as him.
A Goliath flying on angel hair hospitalized 5 cops, two of whom will never
be able to walk again.
Your bank account, your life savings, your 401k has just been wiped out by
a delta hacker.  As well as you have lost your job and your wife because of
falsified emails. . . as you put the gun to your head, having lost
everything in your life,  the last thing you think of is how you cut
someone off in traffic the day before. . . 

These are the examples that King Jack's government propeganda machine
constantly uses to remind people that Deltas are dangerous.  It is for your
protection that the drastic measures taken - the registration act is the
only way to keep track of these dangerous people.
Time and time again, their unnatural advantages have been used to destroy
and kill and hurt.  Understandably - not all Deltas are out of control, but
those who aren't - those who do have a sense of morality and honesty are
those that register.   They are not being killed.  They are not being
jailed.  They are not being enslaved.  They are simply being asked to do
their part and take the necessary steps to preserve our safety.
Some feel a higher calling, and wish to use their powers to help society
and their nation.  These honorable few are welcomed into the rank of Delta
Prime, where their abilities are used to bring to heel those rabid dogs who
prey on the defenseless.