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Re: [BNW] Fail Safe

> The PCs are members of the Defiants who, while not agreeing with Kennedy
> (duh!) don't want to see thousands or millions of innocents killed while
> JFK sits in his bunker sipping brandy.  However, they can't reach the
> Alpha in time.

I don't really understand how this can be used as a plot to a roleplaying
game. The problem I see is that there's a certain inevitablity to this plot.
You can't stop him. Boom. Oh well, I guess we'll just have to live with that
one. What are you supposed to do, warn the government? Either they can
detect him flying in (and I assume he's flying in) and will shot him down
whatever you say, or they can't, and even if you tip them off he can't be
    If he flys in then he can't be more than a few hours away from
Washington, and even if you could alert the general population to the threat
they couldn't get out in time anyway.
    If he's walking or driving to Washington then the adventure is a man
hunt and you can burn him to Delta Prime and even go looking yourself, but
then he doesn't really stand a chance.
    As an aside, someone posted the plot to Fail Safe on the list, and I
don't think the President's solution would (a) be something you'd do, (b) be
something the Russains would believe you'd done, how can they take the risk?
And (c) would mean anything to the Russians.
