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Re: [BNW] population statistics

> Since your trying to quote me (I assume, unfortunatly I missed the
> of the thread), the thermo-nuclear weapon in Washington DC idea was just
> extension to my "one shot is all it takes" theory, and it wasn't an
> of a what a character should do to change BNW America, just what someone
> could do if they were skilled, motivated and resourceful enough. And role
> play characters usually are.

well exactly, but you shouldn't what can I do to change my country. Think
what _would_ I do to change my country. as somone else said, is killing all
those innocent civilians worth it? how fanatical are the fanatics

> > > Where would they get weapon's grade plutonium? How would they get
> > > the bomb past security? If they flew it in they would probably get
> > > down before they got close to the white house.
>     Eh? The idea is that you assemble the bomb in Washington itself, and
> only have to be vaguly near the White House when you detonate to achieve
> your objective. The plutonium could be gained from a nuclear power station
> if you went to enough effort.

see what I mean about crazy PC's  :)

>     I would have thought it was a mixture of both, but the real question
> should be "If characters are 'do gooders', how to they help in changing
> country (assuming that is their objective)?" It isn't really releveant how
> violent the fundamentalists are, their actions only prove the wisdom of
> Federal Government's policies.

I dont know, ther have been successfull terrorist movents that have used
assination or sabotage without loosing the public sympathy

>     On the note of how many Deltas their actually are, assuming a
> of 200 million people even one in 2,000 is 100,000 Deltas. If only a third
> of them work for Delta Prime protecting the nation from terrorists that
> makes Delta Prime larger than the FBI. Then you have the rest of the
> security forces, army, FBI, etc. That's a lot of people that are employed
> catch or kill unregistered Deltas amongst other things. Nice odds if you
> get them.

are you sure, I bet there is more that 30k FBI agents. anyway whats thier
work load like? do they have time to repsond to every crime in the city that
might have delta involvment. if your in a large city of lets say 6 million
people and lets say 1 in 1000 is a delta thats only 6000 deltas in the city
theres probly about 100,000 cops and lets take your figure of 33% primers
2000 primers split into strike forces of what would it take to get the
average roup of PC's 20? so thats 100 strike forces presumably scattered
over the city in the larger police stations. (jeez I can allready see you
guys trying to kill them all off) now since every registered delta is
effectivly a primer that leave 4000 unregistered deltas in the city, lets
say that 1/6 of the total are defiants 500 definants 4 factions 125 militant
defiants in the city. Now they are porbably going to be the more powerfull/
trained in weapons deltas so lets have strike teams/terrorist cells of 5 (a
bit smal perhapse but this would be your average group of PC's) thats 25
cells in the city that actualy do violent stuff

>     Humm....might be an idea to read the Rifts Coalition War Campaign for
> hints on how to run a police state and get away with it.

you see I just cant imagine the benevolent police state that some people on
the mailing list say the BNW is like. If an offical isnt responsible to the
public then they can abuse their powers with impunity in many ways just look
at the EU commity, cold war russia or and of the small dictator ships around
the world. I was thinking of a macarthy era 'dark skies' type
govenment/society most people are content in thier conformity but they pay
the price in civil liberties and the represion of free speach/ideas

