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Re: [BNW] population statistics

> <<yeah but what do they do about it? the first thing my PC's said was, 'why
> dont we just kill kenedy?, all we need is a low yield nuke in washington'
> dont laugh yet though! with the gagetter power package it isnt
> inconciveable, after all there is an example in the book of the alpha
> destroying bomb that devestator uses and surely that is harder to make than
> a tactical nuke. Also devestator had superior to worry about!>>

And they would be okay with killing a million or two innocent people in
the process? I know BNW isn't really supposed to be a superhero setting,
but I thought it was supposed to be at least vaguely heroic. Oh well to
each his own.

Well the devestator was:
1. Probably an alpha
2. Had LOTs of money

Remember that a gadgeteers gadget shouldn't be something more powerful
than another power-package. Going by that the most powerful bomb they
should be able to make would be equivalent to a bomber (a few grenade's
worth). Where would they get weapon's grade plutonium? How would they get
the bomb past security? If they flew it in they would probably get shot
down before they got close to the white house.

-Theo McGuckin, operations
"We waste more electrons by 6am then most labs make all day. Be all you
can be!"