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Re: [BNW] population statistics

> And they would be okay with killing a million or two innocent people in
> the process? I know BNW isn't really supposed to be a superhero setting,
> but I thought it was supposed to be at least vaguely heroic. Oh well to
> each his own.

yeah i dont think these PC's would be too bothered about that, besides the
point is that it dosnt say in the book what the defiants are like. how right
wing are they? what means are acceptable to justify the ends they are trying
to achive?

> Remember that a gadgeteers gadget shouldn't be something more powerful
> than another power-package. Going by that the most powerful bomb they
> should be able to make would be equivalent to a bomber (a few grenade's
> worth). Where would they get weapon's grade plutonium? How would they get
> the bomb past security? If they flew it in they would probably get shot
> down before they got close to the white house.

obvioulsy there are loads of problems with this hypothetical assination
attempt. what im realy trying to at is what the defiance are like.

A: fundamentalist left wing terrorists willing to kill and be killed to
fight for what they think is right
B: lefty do gooders who go on marches, sing songs and write to thier member
of congress
