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Re: [BNW] population statistics

> obvioulsy there are loads of problems with this hypothetical assination
> attempt. what im realy trying to at is what the defiance are like.
> A: fundamentalist left wing terrorists willing to kill and be killed to
> fight for what they think is right
> B: lefty do gooders who go on marches, sing songs and write to thier member
> of congress

Well without violating too many copyright laws (please don't sue me
Matt), it's revealed in the Defiants book that there are four factions:

The "standard" underground defiance (as detailed in the main book)
A faction for leaving and establishing an all delta community somewhere
(screw you regs, I'm going home!)
A peaceful-resistance faction that believes in non-violent protest
And a hard militant faction that does terrorist type attacks

-Theo McGuckin, operations
"We waste more electrons by 6am then most labs make all day. Be all you
can be!"