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Re: [BNW] population statistics

> Also think of the corrupt courts. those judges arnt
> good and just when it
> comes to regs and then corrupt and uncaring when it
> comes to defiants. If
> your  in trouble the size of your wallet will be
> more important than
> evidence
> Ewan

While the size of your wallet will help things and
knowing who to talk to and what not is a definite plus
if you happen to go to court, I think a judge is going
to be "good and just" to regs, especially if it can be
pinned on a delta, even better, if it can be pinned on
the Defiance. These judges have been brainwashed and
disinformed the same way the rest of society has.
"Defiance bad, Delta Prime good." It makes no sense to
throw everyone in jail, because then you get
disgruntled civilians who do crazy things that not
even  DP will be able to stop. Therefore you do
whatever you can to keep the beast fat and satiated.
If society is apathetic you can do what you want. If
society is for what you're doing, you can do what you
want AND get rewarded for it. So society wants to see
regs the victims and wants to see them get off the
hook and they want to see the venomous scourge of the
Defiance wiped off the face of the Earth.

Jim Burzelic
Visit Zombi Bobb's Netherworld CyberBeachHead

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