The PyrNet website and PyrNet-L mailing list are sponsored by the National Capital Area Great Pyrenees Club (NCAGPC) and the Penn-Dutch Great Pyrenees Club (PDGPC). We hope to provide a networking of Pyr owners and regional Great Pyrenees clubs. PyrNet will link to regional club homepages where you can find people in your area who can help. These regional club websites may have calendars of events of interest to Pyr owners in your region, names of people to contact about club information and membership, newsletter subscriptions, breeders lists and rescue contacts for that region.
Last Update: September 10, 1999
Another great site by Toni Robinson and Victoria Coffman
Email them at tigerlilly71@yahoo.com and dilligaf@erols.com.
All graphics at this site are Copyright, all rights reserved.
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since August 22, 1997.
Disclaimer: Any opinions expressed on PyrNet-L are soley those
of the poster and not necessarily representative of the opinions
of the owners or any other organization linked to this homepage.
Any advice given by any list owner or other list member should
be considered anecdotal and used at your own risk.