We hope to provide a comprehensive on-line directory of Great Pyrenees organizations and people by region and affiliation. This list is by no means complete. If you don't see your name or organization, know of one we should add, or have a correction or suggestion, please e-mail us and let us know! Our Web Goddess would be happy to help you with your site!

Region 1

Garden State Great Pyrenees Club (GSGPC)
Contacts: Claire Leishman at (908) 657-4201 or Karen Justin at Impyrial@aol.com
GSGPC Rescue Contact: Rhonda Dalton at grtpyr@aol.com

The Great Pyrenees Club of the Southeast (GPCSE)
Area: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, and Florida
Contact: Joseph Gentzel at 706-367-5851 or jgentzel@aol.com

Metro Atlanta Great Pyrenees Club
Contacts: Marilee McClure at mmcclure@avana.net or (770) 795-0717, Kelly Price at price@allegiantmd.com, Lara Spears at RealEst1st@aol.com

Great Pyrenees Club of Western Pennsylvania
Contact: Jane Leistner (412) 741-4718

The National Capital Area Great Pyrenees Club (NCAGPC)
Area: Virginia, Maryland, District of Columbia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania
Contacts: Jack & Charlotte Perry at pyreau@erols.com or (540-788-3647)
web: NCAGPC Website and the NCAGPC Rescue Website

North Florida Great Pyrenees Club
Contact: Scott Cook at scook@mailer.gadcomm.net
web: NFGPC Website

The Penn-Dutch Great Pyrenees Club (PDGPC)
Contact: David Kintsfather at kintsfat@kutztown.edu or (610) 682-2419
web: Penn-Dutch Website

Pyr Fanciers of the Northeast (PFNE)
Contacts: Nicole Sharp (518) 732-4226 or Ira Brody jlwaitz@aol.com
Area: New Jersey, New York, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine, Connecticut

Region 2

Great Pyrenees Club of Greater Chicago (GPCGC)
Contacts: Bob & Darla Jenkins at jenkins6@ix.netcom.com
Website coming soon!

Great Pyrenees Club of Indiana
Contact: Sherry Parks (317) 539-2292

Great Pyrenees Club of Metro Detroit
Contact: Pat Alteri (810) 851-6318

Great Pyrenees Club of Metro Milwaukee
Contacts: Bret Zacker (847) 949-7977 or Patric Lunberg psl@ahabs.wisc.edu

Heart of Ohio Great Pyrenees Club
Contacts: Fran Princehouse at 102247.3653@compuserve.com or (216) 286-4476, or Sherry Heiden at sheiden41@aol.com
web: Heart of Ohio Website

Region 3

The Alamo Great Pyrenees Club
Contact: Wayland Diallard (210) 659-3892

Dallas Ft. Worth Great Pyrenees Club
Contact: Mary Lou Mayer (817) 441-6376

Grand Canyon State Great Pyrenees Club
Contact: Maryann Kenniger (602) 585-7073

Mile High Great Pyrenees Club
Contact: Karla Smith at karsmith@wyoming.com or (307) 778-8205

Region 4

Columbia-Cascade Great Pyrenees Club
Contact: Betty Warmack at warmacks@pacifier.com or 360-687-1180

The Great Pyrenees Club of California
Contact: Joyce Grable at Pyrjoy@aol.com
web: GPCC Website

Great Pyrenees Club of Puget Sound
Contact: Pam Harig at Peharig@aol.com or (206) 248-7636

Great Pyrenees Association of Southern California
Contact: Terry Denney-Combs at pyrpacker@aol.com or (619) 949-0318

Orange Coast Great Pyrenees Fanciers
Contact: Gail Tuepker at bousyrouge@earthlink.net or (909) 780-8370

Sierra Pacific Great Pyrenees Club
Contacts: President Pam Tobin (916) 791-7580 or e-mail Elisa Ungerman at EandUnge@aol.com
Area: located in the Sacramento Calif area

International Pyrs

Dutch Great Pyrenees Club
Contact: Ursula Hock at urshock@greatpyrenees.com

Pyrenean Mountain Dog Club of South Australia
Contact: Wendy Stevens at boos@senet.com.au

Great Pyrenees Club of Central Ontario
Contacts: Colette and Warrick Wilson at warrickw@bond.net

Other Pyr & Dog Links

Carol Hughes
e-mail: taractns@flash.net
web: http://www.flash.net/~taractns/

The Official GPCA Website
The American Kennel Club's Main Page
The American Kennel Club's Pyr Page
Great Pyrenees Club of America Health Information Committee
OFA Homepage
OFA Hip Registry
GDC -- Institute for Genetic Disease Control in Animals
Jim Delaney's Dog Show Statistics
Pyrs of the Realm

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