Pyrs have great smiles! We'd love to see your favorite one here. It's so nice to be able to put a face with the names that keep coming up on the list! If you'd like to submit a photo (one per list subscriber please!), then send it via e-mail to Please use either JPEG (yourfile.jpg) or GIF (yourfile.gif) format, and if you can, please make it a height of 280 pixels max. If you need help, or want more information on how to do this, please e-mail us! Do NOT send us photos of any animals that are for sale, as this space is not intended as an advertisement of any sort. Click on a name below to see the photo and when you are finished, click your browser's 'back' button to return to this page. Enjoy!
Allie, doing her rendition of Cleopatra -- Kelly Price
Anitra -- Rob Raymakers, The Netherlands
Babe at 8 weeks old -- Robert & Terri Yeakley
Banner at 4 months and growing SSSSOOOOO fast -- Mike & Regina Fiegl, Williamsburg, VA
Banner doing the "Jekyl Baby" - Mike & Regina Fiegl, Williamsburg, VA
Barney -- Nancy Huggard
The picture we first saw of our adopted Pyrs Belle and Zuni -- Emily Hainsworth
Ben and Bill at 2yrs -- Mike and Jenna Sanders, Austin, TX
Beret -- Sherye
Big Dog, deeply missed by the Singletary Family, Knoxville, TN.
Blossom, almost two years, Carting at 1997 National Specialty -- Colette and Warrick Wilson
Best friends! 5mth Mitzi Pearl on left and 9mth Clara Bear on right. They are great together! -- Lori Braswell
Boris, a 20 moths old pyr from Holland -- Rob Raymakers, The Netherlands
Clondike guards her flock -- David Kintsfather
Cobaka, Tresor, and Roland resting in the shade -- Joan Lambert
Deva, Akila and Dorje, and our mixed breed, Siddha -- Birgit Johannsen
Doofus smells the flowers -- Susan and Heath Dillard
Eiger takes a snooze - Valerie Scott-Wagner
George at 10-months -- Robert Platte
George watching Animal Planet, his favorite station - Laurie Boos (Mom)
Gimlet with Lou, showing off their smiles -- Karen Justin
Hairy, our "new" puppy -- Richard and Mary-Louise Perry Rognlie
Hannah -- Joshua Sofsky
Jake (12 mos.) & Paonia (8 mos.) with light packs in Colorado -- Kendall and Jane Seifert
Jazzy at about 12 Months -- John & Sandy Smith
- Jean claude, Monique and Andre -- Patty Allison
Jenna at 10 months, growing up fast, and smart as a whip! -- Joan Ziehl
Joey, 2 yrs, in his
"One Eyed, One Horn, Flying Purple People Eater" costume -- Sandy Schwartz
Kazak at age 7 months with Santa Paws -- Judith Stroh Miller
Kimo at 8 weeks -- Patti Rojec
Layla guarding -- Jim & Beth, Seattle
Lofton at 10 months -- Lisa Pawl
Loki and Snickers -- Patti & Jeff Bechtel
Lot (4 yrs) eats a pear with her owner -- Hans & Maud Koenders, The Netherlands
Margo at 4 1/2 months -- Doug and Kris
Merry X-mas with Lot (4 yrs) -- Hans & Maud Koenders, The Netherlands
Lot (4 yrs) at our new pond -- Hans & Maud Koenders, The Netherlands
Majic down at the creek -- Dave Lamond
Majic with new puppy-friend, Seva the mal -- Dave Lamond
Maya (6-8 months) sitting on owner -- Colleen Milner
Mega at Halloween, 9 weeks old
Mya at 51/2 months from Tania Xerri, Aurora, Ontario, Canada
Nisha -- Laura Magill
Patou with the evil sister geese -- Adrienne Wilder
Pico at 10 weeks -- quite the little prima donna already!-- Heiderose Kober, Efland, NC
Polar at 6 months -- Brian Roberts
Pups - William Morrison, Greensboro, NC
Quinn and his unique smile at 4 years -- Mitzi Potter
Rodman -- Tracy Pribbenow
Roxie seeing what Drifter is scratching -- Karl and Julie Greenhill
Royal x Napoleon pup at 3 days old -- Donna Coffman
- Saki at 5 weeks -- Lene Nielsen, Denmark
Sam and Sheba at 6 months -- Sandra and Bob Nanke
Sampson Pierre Helsel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Helsel
Sampson Pierre Helsel on a snowy day
Sasha (7 yrs) & Cotte (3 yrs) meet at the rescue center -- Barry & Pat Denyer
Jacob at 10 months & Shaye at 4 years old -- Owners Shari, Trudy & Craig
Sheika -- 4yrs old. We have had her for 2 weeks now and she is great!
Summer at about 2 years old -- Bertha Stamper
"Sumo" at 11 weeks - Subhankar & Mekhala
- Sierra -- Linda Johnson
Tara and her buddy, Junior, the Nubian goat -- Scott Cook
Trudeau at 15 months -- Kelly Dunn Price
Tuff Travis -- Gerry and Floyd Kemske
Tully Bear at 9 years old, posing in Stairwell -- Ellen Calhoun
Ulysses and Ursa with Billy -- Carol Lugg
Ursa starting to bug her sister Kiya -- Lou, Faith & Kirsten DaFoe
Vilya with backpack in the Scandinavian mountains -- Ake H Olsson