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Re: [risk] "Skewed" combat?

Fog of war is...?

You only see where you are?  Or you see that other regions are occupied
but not quantity?  or you see quantity, but now owner?  or what?

On Thu, Mar 30, 2000 at 12:18:46PM -0500, Eric Shultz wrote:
> >   Random elements are a big part of tactical combat. Tactical surprise,
> > "fog of war", communications difficulties, a river in the way, a flat
> > tire, whatever...
> That's something that I like about the computer version of Risk - fog of 
> war.  Could that be implemented?  I suppose people could share maps, but 
> that would be collaboration rather than cheating.  You would have to 
> lock out non-participants from viewing the games, though.
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