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Re: [risk] "Skewed" combat?
I dont agree - attacks are encouraged by the fact that by gaining territory you
are gaining resources in the way of reinforcements. No one wins by digging in (
At least thats what i find in normal risk). Why do countries attack in real
life. Because they want resources - room to expand.
"Ray Pearce" <raypearce@enterprise.net> on 30/03/2000 12:22:00
Please respond to risk-users@gamerz.net
To: risk-users@gamerz.net
cc: (bcc: William Van Duin/Kandos/ACH/AU)
Subject: Re: [risk] "Skewed" combat?
To encourage attacks.
The game would be very boring if every player just dug
themselves in and waited to be attacked.
Giving the advantage to the attacker will make it a much
more 'dynamic' game :-)
----- Original Message -----
From: Bill Bauer <bbauer@thalia.org>
To: <risk-users@gamerz.net>
Sent: 30 March 2000 16:54
Subject: Re: [risk] "Skewed" combat?
> ummm... I don't think this reflects much reality-wise...
> It is a given in the military world that the DEFENDER has the advantage
> in any assault. Why would the attacker get the advantage?
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