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Re: [risk] Multiple attacks

Ah, but you see, when mph gets to iceland I won't be there...
we will eventually converge in greenland where I hope to pull
a defensive stand.  I desperate move, but...

And yes, when I eventually create a non-simultaneous version
of this game (whatever we wind up calling it)  It will support
the move risk-like notion of continued movement after a successful


On Thu, Mar 30, 2000 at 10:57:29AM -0500, Eric Shultz wrote:
> You know what this game needs now?  Multiple attacks.  Case in point.  
> Here's part of the map from Risk 105
>    ++---+-----+-----++                        +-----+---+---+---++
>    ||   | nwt | gre ||                        |     |   |yak|   ||
>    ||ala|     |     ||   ++---+-----+--------++     |   |   |   ||
>    ||  5|     |     ||---||ice|     |        || ura |sib|   |   ||
> <--||rro+---+-+-+---++   ||  1| sca |        ||     |  9+---+   ||-->
>    ||   |alb|ont|que|    ||rro|  10 |   ukr  ||     |jef|irk|kam||
>    ++---+   |   |  2|    ++---+ mph |        ||     |   |   |  2||
>         |   |   |rro|     |   |     |        ||     |   |   |rro||
>         +---+-+-+-+-+     |gbr+-----+        ||     |   +---+   ||
>         | wus |eus|       |   | neu |        ||     |   |mon|   ||
>         |   2 |   |       |   |   1 |        ++---+-+---+   |   ||
>         | rro |   |       |   | jkl |        ||afg| chi |   |   ||
>         +---+-+-+-+       +-+-+-+---+--++====++   |     +-+-+---++
> Look at Richard holding on to North America with that weak-ass force.  
> In real risk, mph would roll through that one army in Iceland like it 
> wasn't there.  jef has a longer shot with his Siberia force, but it's 
> still 9 to 7.  In calculated combat, he's win.
> Proposal:  Players can keep moving their armies into new countries, as 
> long as they are attacking (or occupying an empty country).  This would 
> change the face of 105 and other games.  I think it would speed things 
> up and make the game more chaotic and exciting.
> some commands would have to be added or modified.  Before we get to 
> that, what to people think of the idea in general?
> Eric Shultz
> swift
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