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[risk] alternative

Here's a thought if Risk can't be played as Risk.

What about using the rules we've been playing with on a hexagonal board?
There would be no continents or map.  We could even move away from terms
like armies and reinforcements if necessary.  It would be so different
from Risk that it wouldn't pose a problem.

Reinforcements would be based on the number of hexes controlled.
Bonuses could be applied for controlling "big hexes" - like a 3x3

One variation could be a random combat system - different from Risk, of
course.  wink, wink.  Know what I mean?  Say no more.

Another could be hexes that have terrain which benefits attack, defense,
or reinforcement production.

Any of you ascii artists have a board that could fit a player name
(either three letters like the current Risk, or a single letter, like
Rings), a two or three digit number of armies, and maybe a symbol for
terrain type?

Eric Shultz

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