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[risk] Re: I hate lawyers

>I may be able to get away with calling it something else
>(say "global annihilation") and changing the map.

Personally, I think that changing the name is an improvement, since it
started out being half-Diplomacy, and it seems to be getting less and
less like Classic Risk as we let it mutate.  Nor is there any reason
to be wedded to the Risk adjacency graph or country names.  You might
want to consider rethinking the division into "continents", for that
matter; either eliminate the concept entirely, or perhaps have a
system that rewards clustering without using fixed boundaries.

So create a new map, give the areas new names that are short but
pronouncable, and declare that this represents the planet Zindor.
Then we can all start playing the game of Zindor, which btw is easier
to spell than "global annihilation".

(Inside joke: Zindor is really a recursive acronym for "Zindor Is Not
Diplomacy Or Risk".  Don't tell the lawyers.)