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Re: [risk] Fwd: I miss dice
On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 01:36:39PM -0500, Richard Rognlie wrote:
> I've been playing simultaneous Risk since Richard put it up (thanks!),
> but I don't like the combat system. It's too predictable. You look at
> the board and know what's going to happen moves ahead of time.
> Someone proposed an idea a while ago that would resolve combat between
> multiple players using a Risk like system. I'd love to see that
> introduced into the game. does anyone have those messages from that
> discussion, or is there someone out there who has ideas?
I admit it... I kinda of miss the random factor too.
in two player, it's easy to resolve...
if defending you get up to 2 dice...
if attacking you get up to 3 dice...
and typical risk attacks occur until either the attackers overwhelm the
defender or the defender hold off the attacker. No problem
But what about 2 attackers and no defender? I can see that working
as follows...
each gets up to 3 dice. they get rolled, and sorted (per normal).
ties are a "push". otherwise, someone loses an army.
The hard part is...
3+ players (either 3+ attackers or 2+ attackers vs. 1 defender)
Do all of them roll? Lets assume "yes"
2 attackers (one with 7 one with 4) vs. 1 defender (with 3)
attacker1(7) rolls: 5 5* 1
attacker2(4) rolls: 6* 3 3
defender(3) rolls: 3 3
attacker1 loses 1
attacker2 loses 1
defender loses 2
attacker1(6) rolls: 3 3 2
attacker2(3) rolls: 6* 3 1
defender(1) rolls: 4
attacker1 loses 1
defender loses 1
attacker1(5) rolls: 3 2 1
attacker2(3) rolls: 5* 4* 3*
attacker1 loses 3
attacker1(2) rolls: 4 1
attacker2(3) rolls: 5* 2* 1
attacker1 loses 2
attacker2 moves in with 3
I can honestly see this working, too... Perhaps 2 modes...
Calculated (as we're doing now) and Random (as above)
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