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[risk] Reinforcements Scheduling
bobharris wrote:
> It wouldn't let me move from ontario to alberta (I can live without it for
> game 102)
Bug fixes (adjacency table was missing alb for ont.)
> rrognlie wrote:
> > Do you think that every 4th turn is too seldom for reinforcements?
> Yes. Seems like we're gonna run low on armies pretty quick. BUt maybe
> that's just inexperience with this format.
I'm leaning that way a bit, too...
> I was spreading out in anticipation of getting some reinforcements based on
> my territory count each turn. ;)
> What's the reasoning behind not doing reinforcements every turn, as in
> Turn-Risk?
Diplomacy influence. It is(was?) an experiment.
> Is it because you'd have a hard time knowing where you're opponent
> places his new armies? Is there a separate deployment phase, separate
> from movement phase, on turn 4?
Yes, it is a separate "turn".
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
start deploy move move move deploy move move move deploy ...
I'm thinking of changing it to...
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
start deploy move move deploy move move deploy ...
or even
0 1 2 3 4 5
start deploy move deploy move deploy ...
The latter would be the most "Risk-like"
/ \__ | Richard Rognlie / Sendmail Consultant / Sendmail, Inc.
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/ \__/ | Give a man a fish, and he'll be hungry tomorrow. Teach a
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