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[pyrnet] Re: pyrnet-l-digest.20040529

Hi Bridget,
I was one of the lucky ones also~~no, I didn't loose one of My guys, but, I had the "fear of God" instilled in Me ~To make it even worse, I KNEW BETTER  & I had  PREACHED for years to others about letting a dog run around with chokes on ~sooooooo~~all collars will convert to a "dead ring"~~~~~~~that the dogs can wear with their tags~~
every night, before bedtime, all collars are taken off~~then off to their crates~~~~~~~~~~~every night,  for the last 18 years, all dogs go to bed "naked"  :)
WHen We bought our home that We are in now~~I got out of the habit~ I'm a light sleeper~durring the night I heard a whimper, some scampering, another whimper, ect....i jumped up & ran for the dog room,  Hubby in My footsteps~
Well, AN"D" had gotten His collar caught in one of the hooks at the seam of the door and one of the walls of the crate~~Here's 140 lbs of dog, barely able to stand~nose to the floor of the crate~2 toenails already broken from trying to claw His way free~~You could see the panic setting in by looking at His eyes~~I couldn't get Him loose of course~( Metal collar) nor could I unhook the collar( too much tension on the collar)~~
In the words of One of My Girlfriends~" I spoke very strongly to An"D"~    He lay down, relaxed~~> I reached in and got the collar off the dog and the hook that it was caught on
You've been fortunate, Your dogs have been fortunate~anything can catch one of these collars, ******ANYTHING***WE can't forsee everything, but, this We can foresee and protect against~~
~n a message dated 5/29/2004 11:59:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time, owner-pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org writes:
As for the pups getting choked with the metal ones they currently wear,
they've worn them for 3.5 yrs. and we've been fortunate that nothing has
happened I guess.  They both stay inside and if anyone knows of certain
things that would snag it please let me know so I can check for those
things.  I don't think I have anything that would catch their collars but
you just don't ever know all that you think you know.
    Have a great weekend.

Bridget, Bear and Sugar Bear>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>