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Re: [pyrnet] Pyrs without Dwarf producing ancestors
----- Original Message -----
From: <JGentzel@aol.com>
How can one ask for specifics about a program that one cannot get any
information about other than it is "going great" and the committee is
a wonderful job". And no one really doubts that may be the case, i.e.,
people are working hard and donating their time, etc., (so lets not now
it appear we do not appreciate all the hard work and effort being put
forward, as that is not what is being said here), but it still remains that
no real information is available. Just a lot of talk, like is occurring
All that I ask is that someone *call* me. This is too big a subject and
probably too complex to discuss on an internet list. The people who end up
really helping and contributing and those who call and ask "What can I do?"
or "I would like to do that". Sometimes I get email in response to a plea
in the Bulletin, but that is always followed by extensive personal
conversations. We have been "begging" for a long time for someone to take
over the Patella luxation project. At last we have a volunteer in Mike
Jourdan who finds himself with time and a need to give some of it to the
breed. And our greatest thanks to him. However, I do ask, where was
anybody or everybody else in this? We certainly are not into turning down
volunteers. Poor Mike must have thought he was hit by a truck considering
the speed with which we accepted his offer.
And as a sidelight and not pointed at anone here, long years of having
people volunteer or want to help and then having them not follow through
tends to make committee chairs tired and to some degree cynical.
I say again. All of the thoughts brought up here are very interesting. I
just want to see them in concrete form and suggested to the committee.
Until such a plan is drawn and discussed, I have a problem with the mantra
that the committee is not "open" or interested in input.