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Re: [pyrnet] Pyrs without Dwarf producing ancestors
In a message dated 12/30/00 1:11:16 PM Eastern Standard Time,
lmweisser@olywa.net writes:
Certainly the Health Committee is always open to volunteers. As a matter
of fact the lack of people who actually *want* to work is a major problem.
If anybody thinks that we should be doing something that we are not, please
create a "plan" and present it to the committee. What is not ususally
helpful is "someone should do something about that" but the someone is
almost never them.
Linda, you keep saying that and I keep telling you I have offered and not
been taken up on more than once, most recently to Tammi. I am not by myself,
so save the speech for someone else. Some of us have been regulated to
contribute by bring up issues. That is fine, but now, do not try to make us
out some complaining entity without any real resolve. We operate on little
or no information and are confronted every time we seek information as we are
the problem by seeking the information. Statements like:
"I would ask Sharon if she has contacted anyone on the health
committee to
enquire about what is currently happening concerning dwarfs."
So now Sharon is the problem and by implication she really must not have a
true interest and only wants idyll information and to complain.
How can one ask for specifics about a program that one cannot get any
information about other than it is "going great" and the committee is "doing
a wonderful job". And no one really doubts that may be the case, i.e.,
people are working hard and donating their time, etc., (so lets not now make
it appear we do not appreciate all the hard work and effort being put
forward, as that is not what is being said here), but it still remains that
no real information is available. Just a lot of talk, like is occurring here.