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Re: [pyrnet] Now dwarfism - (sorry long)
----- Original Message -----
From: <JGentzel@aol.com>
<< One has no way to know what you said
had any validity. >>
No you don't. OTOH, you also have no way of ascertaining the validity of
anything that you have been "told". As in the information about sperm
banking Ubu.
<< It is the rankest hearsay and not allowable as fact
anywhere that I know. >>
Fine. Then most of what we say and exchange is rankest hearsay. I surely
will from this point on, give absolutely no credibility to anything that
you say or report that you have seen. Frankly we simply need to depend to
some degree upon the past history and "reputation" of people for knowledge
and information.
<< And I think we would have to give great reverence to
what Carolyn Hardy saw and reported. >>
You know, Carolyn would be horrified and probably highly amused that
anybody treated anything that she saw or reported with "reverence". If
there was anything that Carolyn was *not*, it was impressed with her own
knowledge or infalibility.
<< In the case of Carolyn she would
qualify as an expert anywhere that I know and her observations are valid to
consider as fact. >>
Just because somebody is an "expert" in one area hardly qualifies them as
an expert in another. Although I am sure that you will discount what I am
about to say as hearsay and invalid, I really was "present" for Carolyn's
broader education about dwarfs. And I know how Carolyn learned what she
learned. And why is what Carolyn observed "fact" while reports of what I
observed is "hearsay"? Because you chose to enthrone Carolyn as something
that she never was, never claimed to be and never wanted to be?