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Re: [pyrnet] Now dwarfism - (sorry long)
In a message dated 12/22/00 2:18:52 PM Pacific Standard Time,
lmweisser@olywa.net writes:
The truth of a lot of this is that Sandy was totally devastated and
very angry about what happened. I did not see these puppies but I know
several people who did including the owner of the sire. I have a friend
who saw two of the dwarfs at about 5 months old when they were taken in to
my friend's vet for the extensive body x-rays required for diagnosing a
dwarf older than 10 or so weeks.
I do not think it valid for us to presume that this person was so devastated
they saw things that were not there. One has no way to know what you said
had any validity. It is the rankest hearsay and not allowable as fact
anywhere that I know. And I think we would have to give great reverence to
what Carolyn Hardy saw and reported. In the case of Carolyn she would
qualify as an expert anywhere that I know and her observations are valid to
consider as fact.
There is a great effort to ignore the valid scientific information that has
been previously presented and everyone is aware. There seems to be "spin" on
everything. This ain't politics folks this is our breed and its future.