Ann so true on people's reaction,Its a good thing I can laugh at my self because everyone that seen us pull into a parking lot laughed.We must have made quite a sight,then I would have some say well if you break down he's big enough to pull you and the car home yeah right I would be the one pulling him and the car home and he would be sitting in the drivers seat.Happy Hoildays Ann to you and your Family.
Peggy,Shadow and Noel
----- Original Message ----- From: Ann K. Wetherilt Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 3:28 PM To: Subject: Re(2): [pyrnet] Dog Sense
Know just what you mean, Peggy. I used to cart Paddington and Shelley around in the back of a Geo Metro. It looked like a clown car when the two big beasts emerged. We had a pyr bumper sticker, and we'd meet people in the arboretum who'd look at the dogs, look at me, and say something to the effect of "there's no way those two dogs fit in that little red car in the parking lot!!" Ann, Peg, Paddington and Ivy Rose
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